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Basic Education through Sustainable Teaching in Baalbek and Mount Lebanon

ADRA initiated an educational program “Basic Education Through Sustainable Teaching” that gathers children from different backgrounds and cultures to give them access to retention classes and support. The success of our educational system is crowned by the success of the students in their academic performance with the implementation of the right of children to have free and compulsory education in Lebanon.

Outreach Process

The registration process included a link that can be sent to those who message ADRA through the outreach phone number to fill in the necessary information. The outreach officers keep their mobile phones available to assist direct and in-direct beneficiaries at any time. Four-hundred and thirty students were selected to join the program based on factors of vulnerability, special needs, and status in Baalbek and Mount Lebanon, whereas a high number of students are still on the waiting list. 

Monthly Parent's Meeting

ADRA is conducting weekly awareness and parenting sessions with Himaya, Abaad , IMC, and Amel.

Psychosocial Support

Arc En Ciel
Arc En Ciel is collaborating with ADRA on their Cirquenciel projects. They are providing circus activities for students while including children with special needs. A psychologist on their part attends every session and supports the students in coordination with the Inclusion officer.
This psychosocial support aims to help children recover after a crisis and reinforce a healthy psychosocial development and resilience.
IMC provides health clubs for students and caregivers. Each club is composed of 3 sessions that include topics on health, safety, and bullying. At the end of each cycle, IMC distributes personal hygiene kits for students.
Abaad collaborated with ADRA to do a community event on “Women’s International Day”, 50 women were invited for a day at ADRA’s center. Also, Abaad is conducting a PSS program with caregivers on Psychosocial support for survivors of gender-based violence, a cycle of 8 sessions.
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ADRA tutors are conducting weekly psychosocial support for students and caregivers. Awareness and parenting sessions are provided by the inclusion officer, and many different organizations ADRA is collaborating with including Himaya, Abaad , IMCAmel and Arcenciel. 

Snacks for Children

To ensure increased energy and ability to focus during learning, ADRA collaborates with ShareQ to provide daily healthy and quality snacks to each child at the center. The menu varies from cooked, vegetables, and fruits according to students’ preferences. Also, ADRA is providing snacks during PSS and awareness sessions for caregivers and students. 

Stationery Distribution

ADRA supplies students with learning materials including stationery (pencils, notebooks, and erasers), whereas worksheets are being distributed weekly. Students can take back old stationery with them to school and at home. This will ensure that the families who cannot afford to purchase these items will now be provided for their children.

