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ADRA Delivers Thousands of Medical Supplies to Beirut Hospitals Struggling to Treat COVID-19 Patients

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) shipped more than a million dollars in medical supplies to aid LAU Medical Center-Rizk Hospital and Saint George Hospital University Medical Center (SGHUMC) in Beirut, Lebanon.

According to local authorities, the medical facilities severely damaged by the massive Port of Beirut explosion on August 4, are overwhelmed by the surge of new coronavirus cases. Lebanon is also reporting about 2,000 daily infections, hospitals are reaching full capacity and are lacking equipment to treat COVID-19 patients, the critically ill, and those suffering from chronic illnesses.


Medical Supplies

ADRA donated 50 pallets of medical supplies containing thousands of PPEs, gloves, face shields, surgical devices, and essential life-saving equipment to help LAU Medical Center-Rizk Hospital and Saint George Hospital University Medical Center provide quality care to the most vulnerable communities. 


LAU Medical Center-Rizk Hospital and Saint George Hospital University Medical Center

Representatives of the LAU Medical Center-Rizk Hospital and Saint George Hospital University Medical Center (SGHUMC) pose with ADRA outside one of the hospitals that receive 25 containers of medical supplies. Photo credit: ADRA Lebanon

Hospital executives get a run-down of the recent shipment

The shipment includes PPEs, gloves, face shields, surgical devices, and essential life-saving equipment. Photo courtesy of ADRA in Lebanon.