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education is everything

1.2 million children in Lebanon have been out of school.

Over the past COVID-19 year, Lebanese children have received an estimated maximum of 11 weeks of education and 55% of Lebanese families are now living in poverty. The learning crisis was further compounded by a currency collapse, and the Beirut port explosion and COVID-19 lockdown measures.

Did you Know?

The longer children in Lebanon are out of school, the higher the possibility that they will experience violence and exploitation, including child labor and child marriage.


300 Students Assisted

Around 300 students are assisted by ADRA for the last eight months. 200 for Early childhood education and around 100 for homework and retention support.

More than 150 caregivers were assisted with awareness sessions and provided with referrals needed.


Child Protection Activities

The Focused Psychosocial Support Program with HIMAYA aims to help children recover after a crisis and reinforce a healthy psychosocial development and resilience! #resilience #childprotection #psycosocial #psycosocialsupport

Remedial Support

ADRA Lebanon with the support of ADRA Australia is providing remedial support to 80 non-Lebanese and Lebanese students from grades 1 to 9, who are enrolled in public schools and require assistance with their learning. This program will also support children with special needs, providing them with equal learning opportunities. #Education #ADRA #RemedialSupport