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help improve food security

Within 24 hours of the Beirut explosion on 4 August 2020, ADRA Canada coordinated with the global ADRA network to develop a response to Lebanon’s emergency.

From across the ADRA network, an Emergency Response Team (ERT) was dispatched within hours of the explosion. With this surge in technical capacity, ADRA Lebanon was able to mobilize a team of volunteers to assist the impacted communities: food parcels were distributed to affected families; bottled water was distributed to the displaced; and clean-up crews helped to clear debris from roads and residential areas. Teams were trained and dispatched to conduct
impact assessments, focusing on food security, shelter and Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) refurbishment, and psycho-social needs.

Did you Know?

Lebanon is ranked as having the fourth highest inflation rate globally at 90%. This rapid hyperinflation has severely impacted the people of Lebanon, especially impoverished communities. Imports, as a result of this, have skyrocketed in price and the cost of food and non-alcoholic beverages have inflated by more than 441% since 2019.


Food-related Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with a cash grant

Food-related Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with a cash grant of USD 2,000 each is to help re-establish the business, re-hire the employees, and in turn improve food security. ADRA Lebanon was able to reach 12 female-owned out of the 32.

Food E-cards

Provide 12 monthly transfers of Food E-Cards to 1,063 HHs, where the average household consists of five members.