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Leading and Empowering Abilities for the Disadvantaged

Our LEAD project aims to equip vulnerable youth in Lebanon with special skills which will make them stand out in overcrowded Lebanese job market. The main goal of the project is to teach 30 young people (ages 18–35) coding and programming – advanced IT skills highly required by many employers and opening opportunities for starting their own online business. 

ADRA targeted young people passionate about digital technologies who come from disadvantaged backgrounds, cannot afford to pay for university studies or suffer from long-term unemployment. The implementation of the project started in February and the first learning session started in March. ADRA adapted the coding program to online learning. Before conducting the first session, the participants were provided with a basic coding tutorial to give them an overview of the program. This also helped ADRA avoid dropouts.

ADRA Lebanon also trained beneficiaries in communication skills which helped them succeed with job interviews and work in the overall work environment.


  •  21 Participants (11 males, 10 females) completed the Coding and Programming Course by ADRA.
  • 21 Laptops were distributed to support them
  • 3 participants started their own businesses after the course.

As for the final stage of our LEAD project, certificates were handed to 21 participants celebrating their success. Participants worked on different examples to practice the Windows Development, for example C#, VB.Net, and C++ programming languages, using Visual Studio.