Access to Water for Lebanese Communities with a High Number of Syrian refugees IV

WASIB IV This project targeted Al Bireh village as the local population has limited access to drinking water, yet it consists of a large number of vulnerable Lebanese households and Syrian refugees. Problems with access to drinking water in these affected households are manifested by insufficient quantity and quality of drinking water especially during the […]
Shelter Rehabilitation and Garbage Bins

700 plastic garbage bins to 700 households in Al Faour village ADRA Lebanon in partnership with ADRA Czech Republic distributed 700 plastic garbage bins (240 Liters) to 700 households in Al Faour village – Zahle district in coordination with the Faour municipality. In addition solid waste awareness sessions were conducted to the community after bins […]
Addressing Barriers to Education for Vulnerable Children in Baalbek and Mount Lebanon

ADRA Lebanon with the support of ADRA Australia and ADRA Germany is providing remedial support to 80 non-Lebanese and Lebanese students from grades 1 to 9, who are enrolled in public schools and require assistance with their learning. This program will also support marginalized children and those with disabilities to receive comprehensive reintegration support. Inclusion […]